How does a Catholic preschool set up your child for success?

Before you know it, it'll be time to put your little one in school. To ensure a great education and proper adjustment for your child, many parents opt for preschool instead of waiting for kindergarten. A total of 1.5 million children, including 32% of 4-year-olds and 5% of 3-year-olds, were enrolled in a preschool this past year, according to PBS. If you're a part of the Catholic faith, then it may be worth checking out a Catholic preschool. Are you curious as to how your local Catholic school sets your child up for success? Read on to find out.

1. Strong educational values

Your child is never too young to learn a solid curriculum. A child's early years are the most important in their overall development. In preparation for more formal education beginning in Kindergarten, language development, reading readiness, math concepts, and problem solving skills are explored and built upon in preschool, according to the developmental level of each child. Preschool activities are focused on social and emotional development, physical development, cognitive skills, and creativity.

2. Spiritual foundation

The Pre-K curriculum at Regina Pacis Academy is full of Latin prayers, folk songs and chant in music class, no technology and access to great books, hands-on science exploration, handwriting and phonics, drama performances and recitations, learning about saint feast days and the liturgical year, exposure to the Latin Mass, attendance at weekly Mass, after school clubs led by homeroom teachers) is not found in other local Catholic preschool alternatives.

One of the most important and distinct characteristics of our Pre-K (compared to any other daycare or Pre-K setting) is the catechetical nature for the child and the family. These formative experiences in preschool guide the child’s experience of what the school “looks like” because of what we offer.

3. Sense of belonging

Beginning your schooling in Pre-K helps set the framework for students and families to become immersed in the Catholic faith at the youngest age. This, in turn, helps us gain more committed and loyal families who not only appreciate what their children are learning and seeing/hearing coming home, but they have a strong desire to continue it in their own families.

For most new families, it takes at least one full year to become fully immersed in the culture of our school to the point that they are willing to step into greater roles and leadership positions after that first year. When most Kindergarteners come through Pre-K (and staying in our K and beyond), the school gains more families who are ready and eager to participate in even greater ways by the time their children have entered Kindergarten.

Your local Catholic school is a valuable resource to your child from an early age. Instead of waiting for kindergarten, get your child connected with the moral grounding at the academic level in their preschool years. For an established Catholic preschool in Norwalk, CT that you'll be proud to send your child to, contact Regina Pacis Academy for a tour and more information. We'll be happy to answer any questions you may have and discuss the various programs we offer. We look forward to hearing from you and ensuring your child starts their academic journey the right way.