Teachable Thursdays

Returning in the 2021-2022 Academic Year

Sit in on a classical classroom - just like the ones at Regina Pacis Academy - from the comfort of your home, and experience the art and craft of teaching as presented by gifted members of our Faculty and friends of our school. Presenters will teach a topic about which they are passionate and will engage with their virtual “students.” Here is your opportunity to experience the goodness, the truth, and the beauty of a Catholic classical education like the students of Regina Pacis Academy do everyday!

Previous Teachable Thursday Talks

Click on a flyer to view the presentation.

January 14
Alexandra Kimball

January 28
House Beautiful in Ancient Pompeii
Jill Chessman

February 11
Substitution: Not Just Something for Restuarants
Mary Sinise

February 25
Cursive Practice for Fluency in Reading, Writing, & Character Development
Celia Batan

March 11
Storytelling and the Spiritual Life of Children
Jean Willis

March 25
Tolkien’s Heroic Virtue
Christopher Rodgers


April 22
Writing the Unwritable
Charles A. Weaver

May 6 Pope Benedict XVI’s Regensburg Address 15 Years Later Rev. Michael Novajosky

May 6
Pope Benedict XVI’s Regensburg Address 15 Years Later
Rev. Michael Novajosky

May 20
Why We Study Latin
David Moran